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It gives us immense pleasure to invite you at Shri Siddhi Vinayak Institute of Technology which is going to organize a National Conference on “Recent Innovations in Mechanical Engineering”.

New Technologies are introducing every day that will radically transform the future of this fields. Vision of this conference is to promote excellence in scientific knowledge and innovations in the field of mechanical engineering and related disciplines to motivate young researchers. The aim of the conference is to provide a forum to researchers around the globe to explore and discuss on various aspects of mechanical engineering. The conference consists of various sessions and includes keynote and parallel sessions. Each session will be Addressed by outstanding experts who will highlight the recent advances in various facets of mechanical engineering. It will also offer the budding researchers to offer different opportunities to present their work in front of eminent Experts of their fields.


Moving in today’s scenario we all may notice the dependency on technology and its uses in every field of our life. As our current life is becoming more complicated and there will be more hectic schedule of the work the role of mechanical engineering is to reduce the pressure of work through its latest technologies. On the basis of such aims the main concerned is easy work life atmosphere. So this conference will discuss all the possible technological measures which will help us in using the advancements easily and reliably.


To create a world class gathering of intuitive students and innovative researchers from academia and industry. The main objective of this conference is to address and provide platform to discuss the innovations and emerging trends keeping in mind regarding the security of architectures there by ability to share the knowledge in the recent advancements. The conference also provides a perfect platform for academicians to upgrade their knowledge in Mechanical Engineering domain. The primary goal of the conference is to promote research and developmental activities in Mechanical Engineering. We welcome technical papers presenting research and experimental results, position papers addressing the pros and cons of specific proposals, such as those being discussed in the standard or in industry consortia, survey papers addressing the key problems and solutions on any of the topics or research papers on work in progress.


  • ♦ I.C Engine and Alternative Fuels
  • ♦ Composite and smart Materials
  • ♦ Mechanical Vibration
  • ♦ Optimization
  • ♦ Fluids Mechanics and fluid dynamics
  • ♦ Thermal Engineering
  • ♦ Renewable Energy
  • ♦ Product Design & Development
  • ♦ Advanced Manufacturing System / Processes
  • ♦ Automotive Industry – Research and Applications
  • ♦ CAD/CAM, Automations and Robotics
  • ♦ Supply Chain management, Logistic Outsourcing
  • ♦ Quality Assurance and Six Sigma
  • ♦ Concurrent Engineering
  • ♦ Project Management
  • ♦ System Engineering
  • ♦ Fracture Mechanics and stress analysis
  • ♦ Green Manufacturing
  • ♦ Reliability Centered Maintenance, Condition Based maintenance
  • ♦ Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy Logic, Expert System
  • ♦ Intelligent Manufacturing System
  • ♦ Biomedical Engineering
  • ♦ Any other relevant topics from mechanical engineering